
October 16, 2011

I just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for the wonderful comments that have been made.  Sometimes after working so hard on your projects its nice to know that others appreciate and like what you have created too. I only wish I could have the time to look and comment on all of everyone else's projects. I draw so much inspiration from what I see in the blog world. 

I also have a shout out to 551 East for featuring my grey and yellow dresser.  Go check out her site it great!!!

Here is a sneak peek of some of my future projects, my mind is spinning with ideas for what I can do with them.

yes this is an old medical table


  1. You have lots of projects to get done but I see lots of potential there!!


  2. I came over from Kim's and you need to join Debbiedo's for her Newbie Party, I think on Wednesdays. Her link is on my blog roll.
